Barcelona Part 2: FC Barcelona at Camp Nou

After a wonderful first day revisiting Barcelona, Erin, E, and I had a few fun plans for the next two days. On Saturday evening we went to see FC Barcelona (aka Barça) play in Camp Nou, the famous soccer stadium. For those of you who don’t follow international fútbol, Barcelona has the best team IN THE WORLD! They are really, really good, and they have some SERIOUS fans.

Since the three of us are all big Barça fans, we made it a priority to spend the big bucks and get tickets for a game.

P1020904{Sure, we didn’t have the closest seats, but the bonus was an ocean-view just beyond the stadium!}


{We totally fit in with all of our Barça gear!…wait a second? Where is everyone else’s gear? I guess we’re the only TRUE fans.}

P1020906{They’re starting, they’re starting!!}

P1020911{A full house! I told you Barça has some serious fans!}

One of my favorite parts of the game was listening to the group of old guys sitting behind us. They were shouting at the game THE WHOLE TIME! I don’t think a second passed when one of them wasn’t shouting something unpleasant about the player’s mother…or the referee’s mother…or his friend’s mother. Half of the time I had no idea what they were saying, just a bunch of jumbled up eeehohhhehhh pero eso qué es?! vayaaaaa mamboojamboo huzaaahhhh. At least that’s how it sounded to me. Then again, that’s how everything sounds to me when I hear old Spanish men speak.

P1020925{Half-time means picture-time! And water-the-field time?}


{E with his brand new Barça scarf and t-shirt! ¡Que guapo!}

One thing that E pointed out about watching the game live in Camp Nou, is the lack of distractions. There are no announcers, no big screen with half-time games, or prompts to do the wave…there isn’t even music playing. Just the game. Ya está, that’s it. Barcelona beat Valencia 1-0, and we celebrated with a good ‘ol ice cream cone from McDonald’s for €1. As they say in Catalan, ¡Visca Barça! Long-live Barça!

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3 Responses to Barcelona Part 2: FC Barcelona at Camp Nou

  1. Jennifer says:

    Hey Tati, just caught up on the blog, got a little behind, and all I can say is Wonderful. What a wonderful thing you have done, all of it.

  2. Thank you Aunt Jennifer!

  3. Pingback: Barcelona Part 3: Cursa Bombers 10K Race | The Cereal Bowl

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